• Building Management and Automation System

    You can ensure that your building is comfortable for everyone and that people and assets are given comprehensive protection. With Desigo CC, you can increase building safety and security while also increase comfort.


    • Gamma Intelligent Lighting System

    Intelligent integration of all electric function within a builbing with Gamma :

    - Optimally martched products and system for cross-discipline buiding and room automatic.

    - Energy-efficient operation-without losses in comfort or safety.

    - Investment security through worldwide open communication standard KNX.


    • Room Thermostasts

    - A wide range of room thermostats to meet every requirement.

    - Energy-and cost-efficient temperature control.

    - Simple operation and high control accuracy for optimum comfort and ease of use.

    - Attractive design for all types of installation.


    • SITRANS Instruments

    - Reliable flowmeters and energy meters for HVAC applications.

    - Easy operation and service with no moving parts.

    - Long term accuracy with verification possibility (MAG) and built-in diagnostic facility (clamp-on meters).


    • Symaro Sensors

    - Modular sensor portfolio for all measurement range and applications.

    - Air quality sensors for more room comfort and energy efficiency.

    - Innovative sensor technplogy, e.g. with self-checking, service mode, comprehensive istallatin concept.

    - Reduced intallation and wiring effort thanks to multisensors.

    - Applications are tested for full compatibility with superprdinate building automation system.


    • ACVATIX Valves and Actuators

    - Ideal valve for every requirement thanks to broad range.

    - Supporting tools enable easy selection of valve/actuator combinations.

    - Energy-efficient due to high control accuracy and spped.

    - High quality and long operating life guaranteed by intensive test.

    - Easy product replacement possible any time thanks to secured backward compatibility for the next decades.


    • OpenAir Damper Actuators

    - Satisfied building operators thanks to damper actuators with low-noise motors for every applications.

    - Robust housing for long service and maximum reliability.

    - Energy and cost saving due to low-consumption motor high precision operation.

    - Time-efficient installation with self-centring axis adapter.


    • G120P Variable Speed Drives

    - Ingrated communnications – P1, Modbus RTU, BACnet MS/TP, PROFIBUS DP.

    - Wide range of PFC functions integarated.

    - Comprehensive monitoring functions.

    - PLC functions for local control tasks.

    - Reduced line harmonic distortions and compliance with relevant standards.

    • Desigo CC

    A new way to manage your facility efficiently and gain optimal building control


    • DDC

    Access all your building systems and equipment, more cost effectively and efficiently with apogee's web based BACnet solution

    ii.a. Modular : This local user interface to a single PXC controller and its sub network features a user-friendly navigation and menu structure. The large  interface screen with clear text provides local alarm annunciation and the ability to command and overide equipment, plus manage alarms locally at the field panel.

    ii.b. Compact : The PXC Compact controller series features the mostflexible point configuration of any compact controllers on the market,with universal points capable of supporting up to many different signal types.

    • Type LX

    Distributing large amounts of power over long distances. The LX system is particularly suited for applications from 800 A to 6,300 A in which large amounts of power have to be flexibly transported over long distance, for example in multi-story building. Thanks to its compact sandwich design with low impedance and current carrying capacity regardless of the mounting position, the system perform this function safely and, above all, cost-efficiently.

    Reinforced for operation in harsh environments. With a high degree of protection of up to IP55, the system can also be used in heavily contaminated or damp environments. The aluminium enclosure gives rise to a low fire load and high corrosion resistance.

    Furthermore, the LX system also demonstrates its strangeth with sensitive comsumers yhanks to it conductor configuration with double N conductors and clean earth.

    High level of safety in power distribution. The type-tested connections to SIVACON 54 and SIVACON 58 power distribution boards offer a high degress of reliability and ensure optimum system protection.


    • Type LR

    For the most adverse ambiebt conditions. Thanks to its enclosure made of epoxy cast resin with a high degree of protection IP68 and high short-circuit strength, the LR system provides reliable power transportation even under the most adverse ambient conditions. It is impervious to enironmental factors such as air humadity and corrosive or salty atmospheres.

    Flexible power transportation for both indoor and outdoor applications. The robust system can be laid flat, upright, wertically or horizontally as required in applications from 400 A to 6,150 A.

    With only minimum space requirements, it can be optimally adjusted to the construction conditions with angles, connectorors an T-pieces for change of directions. The LR system is also perfectly suited for outdoor applications.

    Consistency of the busbar trunking system with high currents. The LR system can be simply and quickly fitted using the bolt-type terminal block. It is consistent and can be easily combined with the LX and LD system for indoor applications.


    • Type LI